How Carol Baldwin got me into the Feature Film Business

Some of you, like me, might have been fans of a long ago, as in 1978, BBC series called Connections. It was a fascinating show that attempted to connect significant breakthroughs in the world to a chain reaction of events, be they intended or complete accidents, over long periods of time. […]

One Piece of Shit Makes the Whole Thing Stink

This is not a story of striving for perfection. Perfection is a noble goal, however, things do get in the way. For the long term entropy is a bit of problem. For the shorter term there are flaws and faults in everything and in all of us. Mistakes are made, accidents […]

I Bet Yo Mamma Can’t Change the World

A while back I said goodbye to an organization I put a lot of time and effort into. At the time my mind was focused on the frustration of seemingly no one striving for excellence. Steve Jobs once said, “Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t used to an environment […]

When is ‘free’ not really free?

A long time ago in a career far, far away I used be part owner in a tool and die shop. I remember when we setup a new work area we had an amazing coating installed on the concrete floor that was nice to look at, wonderfully non-skid, and most importantly it held up […]


This word comes up a lot — especially in mission statements which are used as a way of communicating the purpose of the organization. Yet, somehow it seems more emphasis is placed on the moral implications rather than on congruency.

My challenge to you is to keep things simple. When we focus on […]