My most used tool from CEO Toolkit

While successfully turning around a family business and relying on a COO for operations I was asked many times, “How was I able to tell if the COO was doing a good job?” It may seem like a simple question but, for entrepreneurs that have started their businesses and led the charge ahead largely […]

Atlas Shrugged

There are a number of common sayings when it comes to the wealthy.

The Rich Get Richer

The Rich Get Richer is sometimes followed by the phrase “and the Poor Get Prison.” I am sure you are familiar with:

It Takes Money to Make Money

I am sure there are others but somehow these […]

Is this thing they call the 1% really about money?

I personally think not. Yes, it makes good news. The occupy Wall St. thing was indeed a thing. The bad 1% of the so called “rich” 1% (for those doing real math ‘1%’ is actually 0.01%) make up 99% of that news — for the 80/20 rule on that one. To […]

Execution is everything — and perhaps even more…

I touched on the subject of the value of execution as opposed to simply ideas in the story “Stupid Human Tricks!” However, recently I had another add on thought to this already strong belief when I was listening to Chris Sacca being interviewed by Tim Ferriss: “Chris Sacca on Being Different and Making Billions”


Signs that you are looking to be surrounded by “Yes Men.”

When founding a new business you are in the unique position where every decision is indeed your own. Now that you beat the odds and are in that special 10% of businesses that don’t fail shortly out of the gate you will be faced with one of the most difficult prospects in leadership — […]