Indoor Skydive, Roosendaal

This is something I have wanted to try for a very long time, and I am not sure where it even came into my knowledge base. I have some recollection of speaking to someone at Life Mastery in 2001 who was familiar not only with the indoor sky dive experiences but also understood how they […]

The Netherlands, March 2010

Traveling on business with some pleasure mixed in offered a chance to take in some of the offerings of the Netherlands that I have either never seen or have not been back to in many years. Here are a few of the notable items from the trip…


Take a canal tour. I guess if […]

Snowboarding in the Netherlands!?

I never tried skiing or snowboarding and when asked why I think the simple answer is neither my family or peer group growing up brought me into any situation where I had the opportunity. Living in New Jersey I certainly enjoyed the winter time as a child (who did not look forward to a snow […]